300 Mile Hike Day 7

Wednesday, July 19 2017

We slept well with the creek rushing by all night.  We watched deer munch on leaves literally feet from us as we fell asleep.  When we awoke we found a girl from Norway who was hiking the entire Pacific Crest Trail had joined our campsite.  She was going north. We are going south. So we didn't have time to get to know each other. 

This day was about carrying heavy packs up to the elevation we were at before we dropped into Seiad Valley. About noon, we entered the Marble Mountain Wilderness. I've never backpacked up here before.  Partly because we have world class backpacking an hour from home and this is a days drive away.  But also because, a guy I used to backpack with,  Mark Zoulas, told me the steepness was unbelievable.  I think I forgot he told me that until I saw the Marble Mountain Wilderness sign and realized I was already exhausted just getting to the sign.  Notice Paul and CJ aren't really smiling in the photo? Our packs are super heavy and the 4300' of uphill is a really big day for us. 

Right beside me as I took this photo was a natural spring where cold water was just coming right out of the side of the hill. 

From the elevation of 1300' in  Seiad Valley,  we climbed up to 6850'. Then we descended down to 6144' where we camped at a lake called Paradise Lake. CJ fished unsuccessfully.  The lake was not deep so I imagine any fish large enough to actually be a meal get taken easily by birds. 

The night was cold but I slept well.  CJ said he was harassed by deer all night. He said he woke up to find a deer pushing its nose against the screen of his tent trying to look inside.  They are after the salt we pump out when we sweat as we hike all day.  We've heard of hikers who left their packs outside their tents at night and found the  shoulder straps chewed up when they woke.  Hats too.

The day was short but steep. 

Total miles: 12.6
Total up: 4314'
Total down: -1317


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