300 Mile Hike Day 3

Saturday, July 15 2017

The day started at 6am with an amazing view to the southeast of our campsite.  It's the sunrise photo I've tried to attach.  When we awoke,  we found a new hiker inhabiting our campsite but there wasn't time to get to know them as we were all getting ready to roll and the new hiker was headed northbound while we are going against the norm and heading southbound.

Just about the time we planned to take our first break at the border of Oregon/California, we came to a place where the Pacific Crest Trail crosses a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. Two twenty-something year old girls who had hiked the trail in previous years had set up the hiking equivalent of an ultra marathon aid  station. They'd been camped there for a couple days handing out sodas to hikers.  In the long distance hiking community,  is not called an aid station.  It's called "Trail Magic". It's VERY popular along the Appalachian Trail on the east coast. It's becoming increasingly popular here on the west coast as the number of people hiking increases.  Paul and I each had a Pepsi. CJ abstained because he's not a soda drinker. I offered money to support their effort but they refused.  We signed their guest book, thanked them, and continued on to the border.

At the border we took a long break,  signed the trail register, and took some photos.  Hopefully they attach successfully. 

A little father on,  some people were remodeling a cabin right next to the trail and they had another Trail Magic aid station set up for hikers.  We didn't need anything really but Paul got some fresh water, which meant we didn't have to spend time filtering water from a creek so that was great. 
The trail gave us heat and great views in the afternoon.

We shared our evening campsite with a lady from Alaska. She started at the border of Mexico intending to hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail and made it into the Sierra but decided the snow was too dangerous. She left the Pacific Crest Trail and went and hiked the Oregon Coast Trail for a month,  then went to Ashland after she finished the OCT and started back southbound on the Pacific Crest Trail. 

Total up: 3050'
Total down:
Total miles: 16.8


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